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    How do I uninstall and reinstall Dialup Networking?

    How do I uninstall and reinstall Dialup Networking?


    Reinstalling Dialup Networking may fix some connection problems you are experiencing.

    To uninstall and reinstall Dialup Networking, your Windows CD must be available.

    Windows XP

    1. Go to Start, and select Run. Type “command” in the field and click OK.
    2. At the DOS prompt, type”netsh int ip reset c:\tcpipreset.txt” and press your Enter key. The computer may pause for up to a minute. The cursor will return, but not message is displayed.
    3. When completed, type “exit” and press your Enter key. Restart the computer.

    Windows 2000

    In Windows 2000, Dialup Networking (known as Remote Access Service, or RAS, in Windows 2000) is handled differently. All you need to do is delete your connection, then recreate it. Before following these steps, make sure you have your user ID, password, and your local Rainier Connect access number available.To delete your connection, go to Start. Select Settings, and then Network and Dialup Connections.

    1. Right-click Rainier Connect, and select Delete.
    2. Follow our Windows 2000 instructions to create a new dialup connection.

    Windows 95 / 98 / ME

    1. Go to Start.Select Settings, and then Control Panel.
    2. Double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon. Click on the Windows Setup tab.
    3. Uncheck the box next to Communications and click OK. You may be asked for your Windows CD. If so, be sure to put the CD into your CD drive and click OK. Restart your computer if you are prompted to do so.
    4. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to get back to Windows Setup. Check the box next to Communications and click OK. Again, you may be prompted for your Windows CD.
    5. If you are not prompted to restart, manually restart by going to Start. Select Shutdown, and then Restart. Click OK.
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